Italian aircraft strike on September 29
The protest of handling sector, airline related industries and easyJet flight attendants

A 24-hour national strike in the transport sector called for Friday September 29. Buses, trams, metro and airport services throughout Italy are at risk. The unions Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl, Uil Trasporti, Ugl-Air transport, Usb, Cub, Flai Trasporti proclaimed the mobilization. The agitation will take place according to specific methods at a local level, always respecting the guarantee bands: services guaranteed from 7:00 to 10:00 and from 6:00pm to 9:00pm.
The union USB, among many things, calls for "the cancellation of increases in service and energy tariffs; the overcoming of penalizing entry salaries by guaranteeing the application of first and second level contracts to new hires; the modification of the criterion which, praising savings, entrusts contracts and subcontracts to companies that offer poor quality services and underpaid work, guaranteeing them handsome profits; greater safety of workers and of the service; introduction of the crime of homicide at work; the minimum wage by law at 10 Euros an hour against the practice of atypical contracts and precarious work".
In the air transport sector, the employees of the companies that operate airport handling services belonging to the Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl, Uil Trasporti, Ugl-Ta, Usb and Flai Trasporti unions will down tools from 00:01 to 11:59pm. Workers in the airline, airport and related industries belonging to the Cub union also take part in the daily mobilization. The flight attendants of the easyJet airline belonging to the Fit-Cisl, Usb, Filt-Cgil and Uil Trasporti unions were also stopped for four hours, from 1pm to 5pm.
AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency