ITA-Alitalia: "Slots given up to be able to fly"
Labor judge of Milan reiterates that there is continuity between two companies

The sentence of the Labor Court of Milan, which ordered the reinstatement of a flight attendant from the former Alitalia company in the new national carrier ITA Airways, reiterated that in the transition from the old to the new national air carrier there is "continuity between the two companies". The judge therefore established that the sale of some Alitalia company branches, such as airport slots, do not constitute a only a "liquidation procedure".
In the thirty pages of the sentence, judge Riccardo Atanasio underlined that the extraordinary commissioners of Alitalia, "after having aimed at a restructuring by continuing the production activity for four and a half years (2017-2021, Editor's note), suddenly "gave up the the entire Aviation branch of the company against the payment of 1 Euro" to ITA, despite the fact that millionaire slots were part of it and shaking off Alitalia's debts to creditors, "not transferred" to ITA.
In short, Judge Atanasio himself was 'struck' by the fact that planes, airport slots and flight rights ended up with ITA and not at market prices, as the European Union requested. Therefore the Labor Court of Milan concluded that ITA is not a company comes from nothing, but on the contrary it is the "daughter" of the former Alitalia. There is continuity between the two companies. For two reasons: without Alitalia staff, planes and slots, ITA could not fly.
On the topic, see also the article published by AVIONEWS.
AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency