1,933 news found

MiscellaneousAl Zarqawi is dead (3): two US F-16s stroke his refuge
Baghdad, Iraq - His family was killed as well during the bombing
Two American F-16s made the air raid which killed Al Qaeda’s head in Iraq, Abu Musab al Zarqawi. Pentagon sources reported that. Al Iraqiya TV showed the first images of his corpse, which is being examinated w... more

MiscellaneousArrested for threatening to burst an airplane
Atlanta, USA - A Saudi announced that in a bar
A Saudi man living in USA, Saleh Al Suwailem, was arrested in Georgia by FBI being charged of terrorist threat against flights. After being refused for an assignment as interpreter for American military... more

MiscellaneousItalian national football team is in Germany
Pisa, Italy - Supporters' crowd at the airport to salute the players
The Italian football team, which will be engaged in Germany for the World Football Championships 2006, arrived yesterday evening in Düsseldorf, with a flight by Eurofly, which is a partner of the Italian... more

MiscellaneousAutopsy and burial chamber for Pibiri today
Rome, Italy - The four Italian injured soldiers are flying back home
The post-mortem examination on the corpse of Corporal Major Alessandro Pibiri, who was killed in Iraq during an assassination attempt Monday evening, is expected this morning. Then the corpse will be carried... more

MiscellaneousCIA flights: Switzerland and Poland denies too
Brussels, Belgium - Replies to Dick Marty's report go on
As predictable, the report of Europe Council Swiss parliamentarian, Dick Marty, on CIA flights for "Extraordinary renditions" of suspicious terrorists has not been welcomed well by European Governments... more

MiscellaneousAl Zarqawi is dead (2): it was confirmed also by Al Qaeda
Baghdad, Iraq - The terrorists recognized by the fingerprints
Also Al Qaeda, on the web, confirmed Al Zarqai’s death (see for details AVIONEWS), because of a US bombing of the southern neighborhoods of Baghdad, where the terrorist with Jordan origin, considered O... more

MiscellaneousAl Zarqawi is dead
Baghdad, Iraq - It was announced by Iraqi television Al Iraqiya
Yesterday national Iraqi television al Iraqiya announced the murder, during an American bombing, of Al Qaeda’s head in the country, the terrorist with Jordan origins Abu Musab Al Zarqawi. The news has b... more

MiscellaneousCIA's flights (2): Madrid denied to be involved
Madrid, Spain - There were no helps neither active nor passive
Spanish Government denied harshly a European Consilium’s report in which Spain appears to be involved among the 15 European countries in which they should be passed CIA’s flights which transported pre... more

MiscellaneousUN inquiry on strife in East Timor
Dili, East Timor - 65 thousand displaced people and new demonstrations in the Capital
UN announced it is opening an inquiry on strife which has been causing bloodshed in Dili, the Capital of East Timor, for some weeks, after 600 soldiers were fired for having gone on strike (see AVIONEWS... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli air raid in Gaza
Gaza, Palestinian National Authority - Nobody seems to be killed
A missile attack by Israeli Air Force stroke a Palestinian militants base in Gaza yesterday. According to Israeli Army, it is a building where popular resistance committees build and store rockets, while... more

MiscellaneousAn aircraft violated Washington's air space
Washington, USA - USA fighters obliged the plane to take land
Yesterday two F-16 fighter of the US Air Force took off when a little Cessna violated Washington’s air space. These type of incidents are very frequent by the moment in which the Authorities decided t... more

MiscellaneousThe four Italian soldiers who were injured in Iraq are going back home tomorrow
Nassiriya, Iraq - Pibiri's corpse is arriving to Rome this afternoon
The four military men who were injured Monday evening during an assassination attempt near Nassiriya are reaching Rome-Ciampino airport tomorrow morning at 11 am on board of a military plane. In the meantime... more

MiscellaneousCIA's flights: 14 European countries involved
London, UK - It was made known by BBC
Yesterday BBC made known that 14 European countries should be involved in the scandal of the CIA’s flight in the old continent (see for details AVIONEWS). The British TV founds its declaration on a statement, o... more

MiscellaneousAnkara rearranges air drills
Istanbul, Turkey - In view of Greek Foreign Minister visit
In occasion of the visit by the Greek Foreign Minister, Dora Bakoyannis, in Istanbul, which is scheduled next Saturday, the Turkish Government decided to postpone a series of Air Force drills in the Aegean... more

MiscellaneousItalian Foreign Minister D’Alema in Iraq
Baghdad, Iraq – Ceremony to remember Nicola Calipari
Italian Foreign Minister, Massimo D’Alema, arrived today in Baghdad to meet the most important political Iraqi authorities, and to inform them officially that Italian Government decided to retreat its c... more

MiscellaneousHeart attack while he is piloting a Cessna
Washington, USA - He manages to make the plane land but he dies shortly after
A man, who was caught by a heart attack while piloting a single-engine Cessna, succeeded in make the aircraft land on a freeway and then died. It happened to Jack Francis, who was going back home in Utah... more

MiscellaneousThe Italian State will have to re-fund the families of the victims of Ustica air incident
Palermo, Italy - It was decided by Palermo Court
Palermo Court decided that the family of a victim of Ustica air incident has the right to be re-funded by the State. Totally Guzzo family, the daughter of which died on board of the DC-9 of Itavia that... more

MiscellaneousNassiriya assassination attempt (2): Pibiri's funeral Friday in Rome
Nassiriya, Iraq - His corpse will go back to Italy tomorrow
The State funeral of Corporal Major Alessandro Pibiri, who was killed yesterday in Nassiriya, will take place in Rome Friday and his corpse should go back to Italy tomorrow morning. The repatriation of... more

MiscellaneousNassiriya assassination attempt: the victim's name was Alessandro Pibiri
Nassiriya, Iraq - Luca Daga was operated in the night and now is out of danger
The Italian soldier who was killed in Nassiriya yesterday evening was the 25-year-old 1st Corporal Major of the 152nd "Sassari" Brigade, Alessandro Pibiri. 28-year-old 1st Corporal Major, Luca Daga, was... more

MiscellaneousGermany will send 800 soldiers in Congo
Berlin, Germany - They will be part of a EU mission to guarantee the security during the next elections
Berlin Parliament gave the green light to the partecipation of 800 German soldiers to the mission, wanted by EU, to guarantee the security during the next elections in Congo. Totally 2,000 European soldier... more

MiscellaneousSpectacular breakout from Athens' jail
Athens, Greece - An helicopter landed in the prison and withdrawed two inmates
Yesterday two inmates of Korydallos jail in Athens became the protagonists of a spectacular breakout. During the playground in fact an helicopter landed in the prison court, surprising the guards hit with... more

MiscellaneousTony Blair comes back from holidays on a low-cost flight
London, United Kingdom - Rome-London by Ryanair
After polemics on money spent for personal journeys on board of the "Queen’s Flight" (see AVIONEWS for details), Tony Blair makes an incredible modest act and takes a low-cost scheduled flight to come b... more

MiscellaneousEmergency landing with a snake in the cockpit
Washington, USA - It happened to a West Virginia pilot
A West Virginia’s pilot, Monty Coles, made an emergency landing with only one hand on the control systems of a Piper Cherokee, a small tourism airplane, because the other hand was engaged in holding a... more

MiscellaneousOne of the two pilots of the Antonov which was intercepted by an Italian fighters fell down from a balcony
Rimini, Italy - The fact happened last night at Hotel Coronad
One of the two pilots of Antonov-2 by Aeronord, Moldavian cargo airline, which was intercepted by Italian fighters last May 27 (see AVIONEWS for details), fell at 4:40 am this night from Hotel Coronad... more

MiscellaneousFire in a chemical plant in Northern England
Billingham, United Kingdom - Because of a gas leak
Last night a strong explosion, followed by a large fire, took place in a chemical plant in Billingham, Northern England. The cause seems to be a gaseous ammonia leak, which soon cought fire. Two not seriously... more

MiscellaneousFiumicino airport: 4 kg of cocaine in the suitcase
Rome, Italy - A Brazilian woman was arrested
A Brazilian 35-year-old woman coming from Sao Paulo was arrested by the Financial Police at Rome-Fiumicino airport, being charged for international drugs traffic. During luggage controls the Police discovered... more

MiscellaneousAbu Mazen condamned Israeli raids in West Bank and Gaza Strip
Ramallah, West Bank - Palestinian President appeal's to USA
Palestinian President Abu Mazen, condamned harshly the recent attacks of Israeli Army in West Bank and Gaza Strip (see for details AVIONEWS). During the raid of the raids of Tel Aviv Armed Forces seven... more

MiscellaneousUN will not lead the help operation to Java populations
Jakarta, Indonesia - The priority is the water problem
United Nations will not take the responsability to coordinate the rescue operations to help the Indonesian populations of Java island, hit last Saturday by a strong earthquake which killed 5,000 people... more

Miscellaneous350,000 young people in Rome to meet the Pope
Rome, Italy - More than 10,000 will go by airplane next Saturday
About 350,000 young people coming from all over the world are expected to arrive in Rome next Saturday June 3 to join the meeting with Pope Benedict XVI in Saint Peter Square. More than 10,000 people are... more

MiscellaneousRoyal Navy's security violated
London, UK - A "Sun"'s journalist penetrated in a ship of the fleet
Who knows what Queen Elizabeth, and with her all Great Britain, will have thought when she knew that the security of the flagship of Her Armed Forces, the Royal Navy, from five centuries considered as... more

MiscellaneousNaples airport: a man was found with bullets on board of a departing plane
Naples, Italy - Discovered by flight attendants, he had passed controls
An Italian, who was embarked on an easyJet airplane leaving to London at Naples-Capodichino International Airport, was found carrying bullets with him by flight crew. The man justified himself saying he... more

MiscellaneousStarted in Turin the reclamation operations of a bomb of World War II
Turin, Italy - The bomb was made in UK
This morning, in Turin, the men of the 32th regiment of the engineers corps of Alpine brigade Taurinense started the reclamation operations of a British bomb, 250 kg, of the World War II. This brigade... more

MiscellaneousUSA and Japan's helps to Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia - Large funds given to help the population of Java island
It is more and more large the help machine, switched on by the international, community to help the Indonesian population of Java island, hit on last Saturday by a terrible earthquake which caused the... more

MiscellaneousCatania: five arrests for international drugs traffic
Catania, Italy - A Colombian had swallowed 42 cocaine ovules
Catania’s Financial Police arrested five people for international drugs traffic. Three Colombians, one of whom found with 42 ovules in his guts containing total half a kilo of cocaine, arrived to Sicily o... more

MiscellaneousD'Alema received Indonesian Ambassador in Rome
Rome, Italy - Meeting to coordinate the supply of helps to the populations of Java island hit by the earthquake
The Italian efforts to help the Indonesian population of Java island hit on last Saturday by a terrible earthquake that, according to the last valuations, provoked the dead of about 5000 people (see for... more

MiscellaneousEmergency landing in Washington
Washington, USA - Three not seriously injured people
A United Airlines plane with 56 passengers and 4 crew members on board made an emergency landing at Dulles International Airport in Washington. The front landing gear of the aircraft, which was coming... more

MiscellaneousBush watched the movie about United 93 flight with the victims' families
Washington, USA - Crew and passengers' behaviour was brave
The President of the USA George W. Bush invited some victims’ families United 93 flight, that one which on September 11 had to crashed on the Parliament and that, thanks to the rebellion of the passengers, f... more

MiscellaneousSao Paulo airport: one kilo of cocaine in the stomach
Sao Paulo, Brazil - Milan bound
A 23-year-old Brazilian young man was found with more than one kilo of cocaine, after controls by border service at Sao Paulo airport. It happened in the night between Monday and Tuesday. The man, whose... more

MiscellaneousItalian Ministry of Defense confirmed the reducement of the June 2 military parade
Rome, Italy - Too few the money for Defense
Italian Defense Ministry, considering the decrease of its budget decided by the last financial law, made known that the military parade on June 2, for the 60th anniversary of the proclamation of the Italian... more

MiscellaneousCommemorated the Italian soldiers dead in Tallil
Rimini, Italy - Ceremony in Rimini
This morning, with a Mass at the 7th regiment of the Italian Army’s aviation "Vega" of Rimini, the four Italian soldiers dead last year in Iraq because of an helicopter incident have been commemorated (... more

MiscellaneousMadrid and Paris sent helps to the Indonesian people hit by the earthquake
Madrid, Spain - Solidarity air lift
It continues the international mobilization to supply helps and assistence to the Indonesian people that on last Saturday, on Java island, were hit by a strong earthquake which killed over 5000 people... more

MiscellaneousItalian Defense Minister Parisi in Nassirya
Baghdad, Iraq - Italy will not abandon Iraq
Italian Defense Minister, Arturo Parisi, arrived this morning in Iraq to meet the soldiers of the Italian contingent in Nassirya. Parisi arrived in the Arab country on board of a C-130 of Italian Air Force... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli raid in Gaza Strip
Gaza, Gaza Strip - Four Islamic Jihad's militants killed
For the first time by the retreat of the Israeli settlers from Gaza Strip in last Summer, Tel Aviv Army came back in the Palestinian territory. Yesterday night units of the Israel Army, supported by helicopters... more

MiscellaneousThe program for the June 2 celebration
Rome, Italy - It was made known by Quirinale
It was made known by the Presidency of the Republic the celebrations’ calendar for the 60th anniversary by the foundation of the Republic. Tomorrow President Napolitano will be at Montecitorio (Italian P... more

MiscellaneousLa Maddalena base will be converted for tourism
Olbia, Italy - US Ambassador in Italy declared that after his meeting with Soru
Commenting his meeting with the President of Sardinia Region, Renato Soru, the American Ambassador in Italy, Ronald Spogli, declared at "Costa Smeralda" Airport in Olbia that there are plans to reconvert... more

MiscellaneousProdi will travel on scheduled flights and trains
Rome, Italy - The State aircraft will be used only for the official visits
The new Prime Minister Romano Prodi announced that it is his intention to decrease his travels with the State aircraft, the A-319 and the Gulfstream of the Italian Air Force available for the high institutional... more

MiscellaneousEarthquakes in Indonesia: assistance from all over the world
Jakarta, Indonesia - Italy sends 27 tons of humanitarian assets
Dozen million dollar aids are expected from all over the world to help Indonesia, which was devastated by an earthquake Saturday in Giava Middle-Southern area, with more than 5000 victims until now. This... more

MiscellaneousPope's tour in Poland is over
Rome, Italy - Ratzinger got back on a LOT B-737
Pope Benedict the sixteenth’s four-day pastoral tour in Poland ended yesterday evening. The special flight by LOT, the Polish flag airline, landed at 11:30 pm at Ciampino-Rome military airport with the P... more

MiscellaneousUS Senate's green light to the designation of Michael Hayden as new CIA's Head
Washington, USA - He will be the first soldiers after 25 years to lead the intelligence service
US Senate approved the designation, as Head of CIA, of Michael Hayden, chosen by President Bush to lead the intelligence service in the place of Porter Gross (see for details AVIONEWS). Hayden, who before... more

MiscellaneousMeeting at Palazzo Chigi to decide about the retreat of Italian troops from Iraq
Rome, Italy - Prodi, D'Alema and Parisi engaged to schedule the 'exit strategy'
This morning the Foreign Minister, Massimo D’Alema, and the Defense one, Arturo Parisi, went to Palazzo Chigi to talk with the Prime Minister Prodi about the retreat of the Italian troops from Iraq. T... more