Press release
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Press releaseRyanair published list of flights to be cancelled up to end of October
Dublin, Ireland - Over 98% of its customers will be unaffected
Ryanair today (18 Sept) confirmed that it has published the full list of flight cancellations (now less than 50 per day) between Thursday 21st September to Tuesday 31st October next. These cancellations... more

Press releaseCJ EU: ECJ ruling is ‘defeat for Ryanair and victory for workers’ rights’
Rome, Italy - The press release unveiled yesterday by the ITF
"The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) and ETF (European Transport Workers’ Federation) have welcomed a ruling yesterday by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) as a major defeat for Rya... more

Press releaseCJ EU (3): "Ryanair's Irish fiction refuted by European Court of Justice"
Brussels, Belgium - The press release issued by European Cockpit Association (ECA)
"European pilots welcome the landmark judgement by the Court of Justice of the European Union in the case of air crew against Ryanair and its temporary staff agency Crewlink. The decision brings a definitive... more

Press releaseCJ EU (2). Ryanair on ECJ "Mons" ruling upholding EU law and airline's position on Member State jurisdiction for international transport workers
Milan, Italy - The integral version of the press release issued by the Irish low-cost
"Ryanair today welcomed the decision of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in the “Mons” case which found in favour of the carrier by rejecting the CTC Union argument that the home base (ie where cre... more

Press releaseCJ EU and employment contracts: flight staff can appeal courts of the place
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - The national court must determine that place in the light of all the relevant circumstances, an employee’s ‘home base’ being a significant indicator to that effect
"Ryanair and Crewlink are companies established in Ireland. Ryanair is active in the international passenger air transport sector. Crewlink is specialised in the recruitment and training of cabin crew... more

Press releasePlanes. CJ EU about calculation compensation for cancellation or delay with connecting flight
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - Judgment in Case C-559/16 Birgit Bossen, Anja Bossen and Gudula Gräßmann v Brussels Airlines SA/NV
Birgit Bossen, Anja Bossen and Gudula Gräßmann travelled from Rome to Hamburg via Brussels on a flight operated by Brussels Airlines aircraft. As their flight arrived in Hamburg with a delay of 3 hours a... more

Press releaseAirplanes and state aid: Commission approves German rescue aid to Air Berlin
Brussels, Belgium - A temporary EUR 150 million bridging loan
The European Commission has endorsed under EU state aid rules Germany's plans to grant Air Berlin a temporary €150 million bridging loan. The measure will allow for the orderly wind-down of the insolvent a... more

Press releaseAlessio Quaranta (DG Italian ENAC) elected ECAC's VP
Rome, Italy - During the 66th meeting took place yesterday in Reykjavik
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) unveiled that its director general Alessio Quaranta has been elected Vice-President of ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference). The election occurred yesterday... more

Press releasePlanes. CJ EU: agreement EU-Canada on the transfer of PNR data may not be concluded in its current form
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - Several provisions of the draft agreement do not meet requirements stemming from the fundamental rights of the EU
The EU and Canada negotiated an agreement on the transfer and processing of Passenger Name Record data (PNR agreement) which was signed in 2014. The Council of the European Union requested the European... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Alitalia: commissioners will submit contents of call for tender with details of the next steps
Rome, Italy - Deadline for non-binding proposals expired last Friday
"The deadline for the submission of non-binding proposals from eligible parties that had received the procedure letter on 26 June, has expired last Friday at 6 pm. On the basis of the proposals received,... more

Press releaseAircraft and mergers: European Commission clears acquisition of SAVE by DAAM, InfraVia and FIH
Brussels, Belgium - The transaction was examined under the normal merger review procedure
The European Commission has approved under the EU Merger Regulation the acquisition of SAVE SpA of Italy, by Deutsche Alternative Asset Management (Global) Limited (DAAM) of the UK, InfraVia Capital Partners... more

Press releaseAircaft. EU sentence: the fares published by airlines have to to specify sums
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - The various items which make up the final price to be paid to the companies must be indicated separately
"The German airline company Air Berlin included a term in its general terms and conditions stating that, when a passenger cancels a flight booking at an economy rate or does not take the flight, a sum... more

Press releaseCJ EU: age limit of 65 years laid down for pilots of commercial aircraft transporting passengers, cargo or mail is valid
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - It is justified by the aim of ensuring civil aviation safety in Europe
Werner Fries was employed as a captain and an instructor by Lufthansa. From the end of October 2013, the airline no longer employed him on the ground that he had reached the mandatory age limit of 65 years... more

Press releaseLeonardo, on the board, yesterday
Roma, Italy - Governance remains fully in place
the Board of Directors of Leonardo, convened today under the chairmanship of Gianni De Gennaro, approved the displacement of Sectors as organizational units of the One Company structure. In the multiyear... more

Press release"GAAD 2017". World Police against purchase of aircraft ticket with replicated cards; 230 airports interested
Rome, Italy - 153 people arrested and controlled 312 suspected transitions pointed out
The control of aircraft tickets false purchased through illicit use of the payrment electronic cards has been the focus of the "GAAD 2017" ("Global Airport Action Day"), operation performed at worldwide... more

Press releaseENAV-SACBO: MoU to improve performance at Bergamo Airport
Rome, Italy - Underwritten by GMs Bellizzi and Bellingardi, respectively
SACBO, the Bergamo-Orio al Serio airport manager, and ENAV, the Italian air navigation service provider, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to begin the A-CDM (Airport Collaborative Decision Making)... more

Press releaseChair of Amnesty International Turkey swept up in post-coup purge, along with 22 other lawyers
Rome, Italy - Suspicion of having links with a movement
"Responding to the news that Taner Kiliç, the Chair of Amnesty International Turkey, was yesterday detained by police along with 22 other lawyers in Izmir on suspicion of having links with the Fethullah... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Ryanair welcomed Liverpool Court ruling against "Claims chasers"
Dublin, Ireland - Upholding its policy requiring EU261 cases to be heard in the Irish Courts
Ryanair welcomed yesterday (May 31) the Liverpool County Court ruling upholding airline’s policy requiring EU261 cases involving “claims chasers” to be heard in the Irish Courts and dismissing an appli... more

Press releaseAirplanes and crisis. Alitalia: redundancy fund procedure opened
Rome, Italy - Shortly consultation with the unions about manners
"Alitalia sent a letter for opening of the procedure of extraordinary unemployment insurance (CIGS). The document is addressed to the unions, to the professional associations, to the Economic Development... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Alitalia: Rothschild appointed as financial advisor
Rome, Italy - The press release
"Alitalia’s Special Commissioners Luigi Gubitosi, Enrico Laghi and Stefano Paleari have appointed today Rothschild as financial advisor". more

Press releaseAirplanes. Alitalia (2): call for expression of interest -SPECIALS AVIONEWS
Rome, Italy - The deadline is fixed for next June 5, 2017
"The Alitalia's extraordinary commissioners, received the authorization by the Economic Development Ministry (MISE), have carried on yesterday to the publication of the 'Call for expression of interest'... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Uiltrasporti: "new opportunities for Alitalia". The Chinese interest
Rome, Italy - The declarations by its secretary general Claudio Tarlazzi
"The potential Chinese interest to invest in Alitalia hits us in a positive way and underlines how much the airline is a strategic asset with development potentialities through a prudent management and... more

Press releaseGo ahead by European Council to EU-USA talks to extend lease agreements for aircraft and transport
Brussels, Belgium - The negotiations with the US will be conducted by the Commission
The European Council yesterday gave the Commission the go-ahead to negotiate a clarification to the EU-United States air transport agreement to remove any time limit on the possibilities for airlines to... more

Press releaseCJ EU. Planes: carrier pays if not proves to have informed passenger of the cancellation of a flight
Brussels, Belgium - Judgment in Case C-302/16 Bas Jacob Adriaan Krijgsman v Surinaamse Luchtvaart Maatschappij NV
Mr Krijgsman booked a flight through an on-line travel agency for a return flight from Amsterdam-Schiphol (Netherlands) to Paramaribo (Surinam), operated by the airline Surinaamse Luchtvaart Maatschappij... more

Press releaseAlitalia: Alessio Vinci resigns as Head of Communications
Rome, Italy - Alitalia announced today that Alessio Vinci, Senior Vice President Corporate Communications, has resigned from the airline to take up new career challenges.
In an official statement, Luigi Gubitosi, Extraordinary Commissioner for Alitalia, said: "I would like to thank Alessio Vinci for everything he has done for Alitalia and I am sorry to see him go. Having... more

Press releaseCJ EU. Obligation to declare cash over €10,000 applies international transit areas airports located territory Member States
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - Judgment in Case C-17/16 Oussama El Dakkak and Intercontinental SARL v Administration des douanes et droits indirects
"In 2010, the Benin company, Intercontinental, instructed El Dakkak to transport American dollars (USD) from Cotonou (Benin) to Beirut (Lebanon) by airplane, with a transit stop at Roissy-'Charles de Gaulle'... more

Press releaseCJ EU. Collision aircraft-bird extraordinary event which may exempt from obligation pay compensation for flight delayed significantly
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - Judgment in Case C-315/15 Marcela Pešková and Jirí Pešká v Travel Service as
"On 10 August 2013, Marcela Pešková and Jirí Pešká wished to travel from Burgas (Bulgaria) to Ostrava (Czech Republic) by taking a flight operated by the Czech airline Travel Service. Before its departure to O... more

Press releaseAirplanes (3). Alitalia. Against bridging loan Italian Codacons addressed to European Commission
Rome, Italy - "Nth State aid to the airline". A bill that "increases to EUR 8 bn" that will pay the citizens on the case of insolvency
"Against the bridging loan for EUR 600 millions to Alitalia decided yesterday by the Government Italian Codacons wrote to the European Commission, asking to reject the operation. 'Once again the State... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Italian Council of ministers on Alitalia: the bridging loan approved for EUR 600m in six months -VIDEO
Rome, Italy - Urgent measures to ensure the service continuity performed by the airline
The Council of ministers met yesterday, on Tuesday May 2, 2017 at 6:15pm at Palazzo Chigi, under the presidency by President Paolo Gentiloni. Secretary the undersecretary of the Presidency, Maria Elena... more

Press releaseAirplanes and Alitalia (2) specifies some points on different matters
Rome, Italy - Wrongly reported by recent media in the last days
"Some recent media speculation about Alitalia and its minority shareholder Etihad Airways have wrongly reported matters that have no factual basis. The facts are these. Alitalia’s sale to Etihad Airways o... more

Press releaseRyanair to seek refund of EUR 15m in taxes/fines from the French social security authority who must now accept Irish certificates
Dublin, Ireland - ECJ ruling in the "A Rosa" case upholds EU rules on social insurance payments by international transport workers
Ryanair accepted the decision of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in the “A Rosa” case which has upheld the EU rules on social insurance payments for international transport workers. The ECJ has det... more

Press releaseAirplanes and crisis. Alitalia start extraordinary administration phase
Rome, Italy - The BoD, having acknowledged its situation, has decided unanimously to proceed with the filing for it
"Alitalia’s shareholders meeting, convened today, noted with deep regret the outcome of the referendum among the employees. The negative vote has determined the inability to implement the relaunch and r... more

Press releaseAlitalia and airplanes: regular flight programme and services
Rome, Italy - No changes to flight schedule or operations
"Alitalia reiterates that a staff vote against the company’s turnaround plan has not impacted its current or future flight schedule. All services are operating as normal. The purchase of new tickets c... more

Press releaseCJ EU: Opinion of the Advocate General in cases Crewlink/Ryanair
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - Disputes to contracts of employment of hostesses and stewards come within jurisdiction of courts of place ‘where or from which’ those employees principally carry out their obligations
"Ryanair and Crewlink are companies established under Irish law and have their registered offices in Ireland. Ryanair is active in the international passenger air transport sector. Crewlink specialises... more

Press releasePlanes. ENAC receives the communication from Alitalia about the decision of the BoD to start the procedure to appoint a special commissioner
Rome, Italy - It was announced by the President of the airline. At the moment there are the conditions for full operations
The Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC) informs that the President of Alitalia, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, formally notified the decision of the Board of Directors of the air carrier to start the... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport in Italy. Italian MIT: strikes fixed for April 21 have been postponed
Rome, Italy - The measure has been necessary and urgent
The Italian Transport and Infrastructure Minister Graziano Delrio with his own order has decided the postponement to other date of the following strikes, all fixed for next Friday, on April 21: - strike... more

Press releaseAircraft. Italian ENAC issued NOTAM on air space closure today and tomorrow on Lucca, Massa and Pisa (Tuscany)
Rome, Italy - In the occasion of the meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers of G7
"ENAC, the Italian Civil Aviation Authority informs that has been issued, upon request by the Police, a NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) of the air space closure on Lucca Province and on the surrounding areas,... more

Press releaseAlitalia airplanes. Italian unions: today a 24 hour strike and two garrisons
Rome, Italy - "Airline doesn't save itself with layoffs and salaries' reduction"
"A 24 hour strike today by all Alitalia's staff against a business plan of only reductions, against request of about 2,000 redundancies and wages reduction between 20% and 30% of the flying personnel".... more

Press releaseAircraft and no-fly zone. Italian ENAC: air space closed on Florence on March 30 and 31
Rome, Italy - In the occasion of the summit with the Culture Ministers of the G7 Countries
"ENAC, the Italian Civil Aviation Authority, unveiled that a Notam (Notice to Airmen) has been issued for air space closure on Florence and in its surrounding area. It has been diffused in the occasion... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Italian ANPAC on Alitalia's plan: "Pilots and flight assistants on strike next April 5"
Rome, Italy - "The airline will not have future without sharing of important changes"
ANPAC, the Italian national professional civil aviation association, in a press release unveiled that: "Alitalia plan presented is weightless industrially towards flying staff. Without the sharing... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Ball (Alitalia CEO) meets trade unions staff and said: "Headcount reductions ‘painful but necessary’
Rome, Italy - 500 new crew members, new long haul aircraft and routes from 2019
Alitalia's Chief Executive Officer Cramer Ball today presented to the airline’s trade unions and staff the details of the 2017-2021 business plan approved by the company's board of directors on Wednesday 1... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. Alitalia Board meeting; approved its business plan that will be presented today to the Government
Rome, Italy - Luigi Gubitosi was inducted as a new director of the BoD and he replaces Roberto Colaninno
The Board of Directors of Alitalia met yesterday in Rome under the Chairmanship of Luca Cordero di Montezemolo and approved the airline’s 2017-2021 business plan, presented by CEO Cramer Ball and validated b... more

Press releaseLeonardo: clarification statement about criminal proceeding some employees of the former Finmeccanica (2)
Rome, Italy - "It refers to conducts concerning past management and, in particular, up to May 2014"
With reference to the criminal proceeding involving some employees of the former Finmeccanica for alleged conduct of undue appropriation of company funds as well as some Directors of the former Luxembourg... more

Press releaseAirplanes and carriers. Alitalia on BoD of yesterday: "Plan evaluated serious and realistic"
Milan, Italy - Paved the way to a final approvation by Board of Directors expected for next week
Following the Alitalia's press release issued at the end of its Board of Directors' meeting took place in Milan yesterday. "The Alitalia's Board of Directors convened yesterday in Milan. The BoD made... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Alitalia to cease all flights to and from Reggio Calabria from 27 March, 2017
Rome, Italy - Its proposals to find viable and sustainable ways to maintain those services have not been answered
Alitalia will from 27 March, 2017 cease all flight operations from Reggio Calabria to Rome-Fiumicino, Milan-Linate and Turin airports. The airline currently operates 56 flights a week to and from Reggio... more

Press releaseAirplanes and carriers. Alitalia BoD meeting of today: business plan to be approved by the end of this week
Rome, Italy - The Board presented with its financial situation and progress made on the cost savings plan
The Board of Directors (BoD) of Alitalia met today to hear an update about the airline’s proposed re-launch business plan following work made by independent advisor Roland Berger. The Board agreed that a... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Italian Filt Cgil on Ryanair: "A meeeting is necessary to give starting to union relationships"
Rome, Italy - The declarations by its national secretary Nino Cortorillo
We receive and publish it, leaving the same opportunity to possible replies: "It is considered suitable to demand a first meeting finalized to start hoped debate on matters of our competence besides... more

Press releaseAntonio Apa (Uilm Genoa). "Finmeccanica: results 2016 underline slow and gradual marginality of Leonardo in Europe and in the world
Genoa, Italy - The declarations by its general secretary
Antonio Apa, general secretary of Uilm Genoa, declared in a press release that we receive and publish it, leaving the same possibility to potential replies: "Honestly from the balance results of 2016... more

Press releaseEU: entry into force of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement
Brussels, Belgium - Concluded since the establishment of the World Organization in 1995, effective yesterday
The Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) –the most significant multilateral trade deal concluded since the establishment of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in 1995- entered into force yesterday. The r... more

Press releaseAircraft and strikes (2). Uiltrasporti: "Grave and unacceptable violations by easyJet Italia"
Rome, Italy - The declarations by its general secretary Claudio Tarlazzi
Also the flight assistants of easyJet Italia adherent to Uiltrasporti will participate tomorrrow at the four hour strike in the air transport. The protest is due to company's refusal to recognize right... more