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Press release

3,390 news found

Press releaseCJ EU and employment contracts: flight staff can appeal courts of the place

Luxembourg, Luxembourg - The national court must determine that place in the light of all the relevant circumstances, an employee’s ‘home base’ being a significant indicator to that effect

"Ryanair and Crewlink are companies established in Ireland. Ryanair is active in the international passenger air transport sector. Crewlink is specialised in the recruitment and training of cabin crew... more

Press releaseCJ EU. Obligation to declare cash over €10,000 applies international transit areas airports located territory Member States

Luxembourg, Luxembourg - Judgment in Case C-17/16 Oussama El Dakkak and Intercontinental SARL v Administration des douanes et droits indirects

"In 2010, the Benin company, Intercontinental, instructed El Dakkak to transport American dollars (USD) from Cotonou (Benin) to Beirut (Lebanon) by airplane, with a transit stop at Roissy-'Charles de Gaulle'... more

Press releaseRyanair to seek refund of EUR 15m in taxes/fines from the French social security authority who must now accept Irish certificates

Dublin, Ireland - ECJ ruling in the "A Rosa" case upholds EU rules on social insurance payments by international transport workers

Ryanair accepted the decision of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in the “A Rosa” case which has upheld the EU rules on social insurance payments for international transport workers. The ECJ has det... more

Press releaseCJ EU: Opinion of the Advocate General in cases Crewlink/Ryanair

Luxembourg, Luxembourg - Disputes to contracts of employment of hostesses and stewards come within jurisdiction of courts of place ‘where or from which’ those employees principally carry out their obligations

"Ryanair and Crewlink are companies established under Irish law and have their registered offices in Ireland. Ryanair is active in the international passenger air transport sector. Crewlink specialises... more

Press releasePlanes. ENAC receives the communication from Alitalia about the decision of the BoD to start the procedure to appoint a special commissioner

Rome, Italy - It was announced by the President of the airline. At the moment there are the conditions for full operations

The Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC) informs that the President of Alitalia, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, formally notified the decision of the Board of Directors of the air carrier to start the... more