5,854 news found

PeopleUK Government gives GBP 65m to Nats
London, Great Britain - It will renew the UK air traffic control
The UK government is to pump GBP 65m into the cash-strapped National Air Traffic Services (Nats). "It will enable us to get on with a very demanding investment programme which will, in effect, renew the... more

PeopleIcao conference on challenges and opportunities of liberalization of air transport
Montreal, Canada - It will be at the end of March in Montreal
The International Civil Aviation Organization (Icao) will host a worldwide air transport conference on "Challenges and opportunities of liberalization", from 24 to 29 March 2003, at its Montreal headquarters. The... more

PeopleUs Government ready to support civil aviation
Washington, Usa - Catastrophic consequences if the war last for more than 90 days
It does not seem that the crisis of the civil aviation, since the September 11 attacks, can find in these months the sprint in order to invert the destiny: the war in Iraq will be lethal for the fates... more

PeopleThe airlines begin to put into effect emergency plans
Rome, Italy - Civil aviation is prepares for the war
The main international airlines, that are operating in the Middle Eastern and in the countries of the Persian Gulf, are preparing in these hours the emergency plans for the international crisis. While... more

PeopleFaa issues a set of procedures the carriers should follow if flying in war-zones
Washington, Usa - But the carriers are lowering their operativity in the Gulf
Faa (Federal Aviation Administration) has issued a statement with a set of suggestions the air companies are likely to follow if they wish to fly over the Gulf zone. A. Hostilities with Iraq appear to... more

PeopleEngland: carriers to pay a double green tax
London, UK - But the consumers will pay an higher ticket
Perhaps to fly "low-cost" in Great Britain will not be possible anymore, or to say better it will not be like it has been until now, if the law proposed by the English transport secretary Alistair Darling... more

PeopleUs school of flight closes its training program for foreign citizens
Washington, Usa - A plunge of the registrations after September 11
The Western Michigan University's College of Aviation, one of the most important schools of flight in the USA, has decided to suspend the training program addressed to the foreigners, which begun with... more

PeopleAgreement between Russia and South Korea in the civil aviation field
Seoul, South Korea - The commercial trading will be smoother
With the agreement signed on Wednesday in Seoul between the Korean Vice Foreign Minister, Kim Jae-sup, and the Russian First Deputy Minister for Transportation, Alexander Neradko, Russia and South Korea... more

PeopleSigned an agreement between Saab Aviocomp-Sas and Gee Bee Air
Linkoping, Sweden - They will supply components for 3 Fokker 50
Saab Aviocomp AB (Sweden) and Sas Component (Denmark) has won together another deal further consolidating its solid position as the major supplier of component services for Fokker 50 operators. They signed... more

PeopleCapps-Two System will be introduced in the american airports within a few days
Washington, Usa - It will enable to issue air tickets with annexed penal record
A new computerized system to issue air ticket with annexed penal record is on the way in the american airports. In order to avoid other terrorist attacks such as Sept. 11, the US Transport department,... more

PeopleA cooperation plan between UE and Pakistani civil aviation
Islamabad, Pakistan - The Asian country will have the chance to conform with European standards
The European Commission has announced that a plan of cooperation with the Pakistani civil aviation will begin soon for a better implementation of those acquaintances that will allow the Asian country... more

PeopleNew Vip planes for New Zealand PM
Auckland, New Zealand - Two B-757s have been purchased by a Dutch airline
The reliability of the Vip flights, operated in New Zeland with 1964 B-727 airplanes, had become so low that the same Prime Minister, Helen Clark, had decided to fly with commercial flights. Finally... more

PeopleCharter flights for clandestin repatriations come back in France
Paris, France -They had been suspended in 1997 and then resumed
30 Ivorians and 24 Senegaleses have been yesterday embarked at Charles de Gaulle airport on board of the air company Euralair Horizon’s airplane, charted by French Government with the collaboration of t... more

PeopleToday Icao will vote its new General Secretary
Montreal, Canada - There are two candidates, an Italian and an Algerian
The council of Icao (International Civil Aviation Organization), UN civil aviation organization, will vote today, March 3rd, its new General Secretary. There are two candidates: the Italian Alfredo Roma,... more

PeopleSigned an agreement between Piaggio Aero Industries and Pan Europeenne Air Service
Finale Ligure, Italy - The Italian company received a job order for two P-180 Avanti
The Piaggio Aero Industries has made an agreement with the Pan Europeenne Air Service, regional French chartering airline, for the sale of two Piaggio P-180 Avanti. This airplane, in fact, for its operating... more

PeopleBoeing ready to construct its pilot training center
Seattle, Usa - Around 7000 pilots will be trained annually
The new Boeing training pilots center will cost at least USD 60m and it will be constructed in Atlanta, addressed essentially to two airlines, the AirTran Airways and the Midwest Express (which is changing... more

PeopleAfghanistan signs an important agreement with the Azerbaijan civil aviation
Kabul, Afghanistan - Another step towards the normality
The real freedom of a people passes more and more through the possibility to move and to establish relationships with other people, especially in a country that remained for decades under the heel of the... more

PeopleConference of Boeing Vice President of Marketing in New York
New York, Usa - He will discuss commercial airplane market
On Thursday, Feb 27 in New York, Randy Baseler, Boeing Vice President of Marketing will discuss the commercial airplane market. A live audio webcast of the presentation will be available at 9:00 am Eastern... more

PeopleUe claims the right on the agreements about air transportation
Brussels, Belgium - It's to create those conditions strength whitin the sector
Tomorrow it will be an important day for the European civil aviation, although not decisive; indeed Ue Transport commissioner Loyola de Palacio will introduce a document in which it's asserted it's a Brussels'... more

People777-300ER Boeing completed its maiden flight
Everett, Usa - It's the most technologically advanced airplane
The Boeing 777-300ER completed on February 24 its first flight, beginning a flight-test program that's expected to bring US Government certification by early next year. Touted as the world's most technologically... more

PeopleAgreement between Ibm and Enaer
Santiago, Chile- Signed an USD 1m contract to reduce air costs
IBM and Dassault Sistems announced on February 18 to have signed an USD 1m contract with Enaer, Chilean airline, which will use IBM PLM Catia and Smarteam solutions in order to standardize its process... more

PeopleCathay Pacific Airways's passengers transport increment
Rome, Italy - The air company shows confidence in the future
In 2003 January, Cathay Pacific Airways has increased its passengers transport. Regarding the same month of previous year, in fact, there's an increment of 12.9%. "Things are well - Marialuisa Sangalli,... more

PeopleUsa: pilots to become a reality by April
Washington, Usa - The first group of 48 persons to verify the feasibility
If the test program had to go well then there wouldn't be more obstacles in order to supply to the institution of armed pilots, a requirement been born after the September 11 attacks. By April they would... more

PeopleWedding between Cathay Pacific and Dhl
Hong Kong, China - Realized a joint venture in order to strenghten their presence on Asian market
In order to expand and to strengthen the own presence on the Asian market, Dhl, a logistics corporation, has realized a joint venture with Cathay Pacific. Based on that agreement, the American company... more

PeopleGermany-Switzerland air traffic agreement failed
Berlin, Germany - German Minister of Transport and Switzerland Minister of Transport didn't agree about air traffic renewal
In February 17, Moritz Leuenberger, Switzerland Minister of Transport, and Manfred Stolpe, German Minister of Transport, have met to rinegoziate aeronautical agreement signed in 2001, but never confirmed.... more

PeopleUSA order 15 airplanes Aerostar 01 to Rumania
Bucharest, Rumania - The side- by-side two-seater will be delivered within 2003
The United States have assigned to Rumanian air constructor, Aerostar Bacau, an order for the realization of 15 ultralight Aerostar 01. The airplane, realized in the 2002, is a side-by-side two-seater,... more

PeopleRealized a record cover for superjumbo Airbus hangar
Paris, France - Raised near Tolosa a monumental roof for the A-380
In February 17, near Tolosa, a monumental roof has been raised to 46 meters of height in order to cover the Airbus A-380, the steamboat of the skies that will enter in service in 2006. The cover, realized... more

PeopleThe Russian authorities give the go-ahead to IL-86, believed as a safe aircraft
Moscow, Russia - Doubts after the incident happened on June 28, 2002
The IL-86, an airplane widely used by the Russian carriers, present in 48 operating units, will not endure the grounding by the Russian authorities to supervise on the security standards of the civil aviation.... more

PeopleIraq war, the civil aviation is preparing for the worst
Rome, Italy - Fundamental the rapidity to set up the proper measures
If there'll be a war it must be prepared for the consequences, that especially for a field like that one of the civil aviation, still shaken by the September 11 attacks, can be disastrous. Sure the airlines... more

PeopleThe British Transportation Minister against "Green Tax"
London, United Kingdom - According to Darling tax risks to block to the air traffic
According to the British daily newspaper "Times", the English Transportation Minister, Alistair Darling, has hardly criticized the Royal Commision on Enviromental Pollution’s proposal to impose a "Green T... more

PeopleUsa will finance the development of Civil Aviation in Serbia and Montenegro
Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro - Technical assistance and basic know-how to be supplied
The Us Trade and Development Agency (Ustda) will guarantee the increase of the civil aviation field in the state of Serbia and Montenegro thanks to agreement signed on February 10 between the former-Jugoslavia... more

PeopleThe Turkish special forces block a seizure on an airplane of the Turkish Airlines
Istanbul, Turkey - There are not woundeds
"Anti-terrorism special forces have taken part on board of a plane to an operation during 30 minutes, that has allowed to free the hostages, without wounded. The abductor, Ali Ilker Urbak, 28 years old,... more

PeopleNever again alcoholic on board: in China it's law
Benjing, China - A strengthening of security for the planes
According to the Chinese authorities for the airport security the new law that imposes the prohibition to carry alcoholic on board of the airlines will increase the security of the travellers. A decision... more

PeoplePoland will join to the european agreement on air transport
Warsaw, Poland - Beyond to the UE's countries there are already 14 nations that have joined
Also Poland will join to the agreement on the full aerial transport liberalization, that European Union has already reached with 7 of the 10 countries that will enter in 2004 and with Bulgaria, Island... more

PeopleOrange alarm in Washington, it's doubling the restricted airspace
Washington, Usa - The ban will be effective starting this morning
The restrictions for the private aircraft over the American capital airspace will begin today at 6 am Washington time and represent the consequence to the elevation of the terrorism alarm level to orange,... more

PeopleNorthwest flight escorted by two F-16s
Washington, Usa - The strange attitude of three people, and the alarm was immediately released
A Northwest Airlines flight, originated in Detroit and directed to Washington with 48 passengers on board, has had to land at Baltimora airport after having been escorted by two F-16 fighters, taken off... more

PeopleDefence missile systems could be installed on the Us airliners
Washington, Usa - An investment of almost USD 10bn
Lawmakers has yesterday introduced the norm that could change the security of the American civil aviation, because it's making real the risk of a missile attack against airliners. These, according to... more

PeopleTraffic and incomes in British airports are growing
London, Great Britain - The announcement comes from Baa (British Aviation Administration)
Baa (British Aviation Administration) has communicated that in British airports have grown, during 2002, both traffic and incomes. Particularly the figures of BAA refer to the three Londoner airports,... more

PeopleStrike of three hours blocks Berlin's airports
Berlin, Germany - Grounded over one hundred flights and thousands of passengers
This morning, after a strike, decided by the trade unions of the worker of Berlin's airports, that lasted three hours, by 6 am to 9 am, the three airports of the German capital town, Tegel, Tempelhof and... more

PeopleMany questions still opened on the proposal to arm the pilots
Washington, Usa - There's not a common position yet
America is questioning if the idea to arm the pilots is a right initiative or a practical one that will not be able however to resolve the risks of a diversion. In truth the doubts are many more there... more

PeopleMore competition in Pakistan with the introducing of the new carriers
Islamabad, Pakistan - By now the market was dominated by public operator
The monopolistic field of the Pakistani civil aviation, dominated by the state-owed carrier Pia (Pakistan International Airlines), will endure an important and historical innovation, thanks to the arrival... more

PeoplePassenger burns the seat of an aircraft in the United States
Washington, Usa - The man has been immediately arrested
Yesterday evening during the phase of taking off, while the aircraft was on the way of leaving the ground, a Russian aged 64 has fired with a lighter a seat of a United Airlines, flight on the haul Washington-Chicago,... more

PeopleGood figures for European aviation
Brussels, Belgium - It grows the frequency of the flights inside the European continent
Eurocontrol, the organization for the safety of the air navigation in the continent, has diffused the figures about the frequency of the flights inside the European continent, that, looking only the total... more

PeopleGood figures for European aviation
Brussels, Belgium - It grows the frequency of the flights inside the European continent
Eurocontrol, the European organization for the safety of the European air navigation, has diffused the figures about the frequency of the flights inside the European continent, that, looking only the total... more

PeopleAmerican Airlines pilot stopped for alcohol smell
Arkansas, Usa - But the blood-level was below that one set by law
An AA (American Airlines) pilot, Craig Bott, 45 years, has been stopped by the airport screeners at Little Rock - Arkansas because perceived a strong smell of alcohol coming from his mouth. Therefore... more

PeopleFaa orders investigations for all Beech aircraft
Washington, Usa - The directive after the 8 January disaster
A drastic decision, which comes three weeks after that an Air Midwest Beech run into an hangar while was taking off from Charlotte airport, provoking the deads of 21 persons: all the Beech 1900, 1900-C... more

PeopleArrested in Sweden drunken pilot
Stockholm, Sweden - The pilot of British Airways has been arrested yesterday
In the daytime of yesterday the Swedish airport of Arlanda, not far from Stockholm, has been arrested for excessive presence of alcohol in his blood a pilot of British Airways that was going to take off... more

PeopleIt has finally taken off the first direct flight Taiwan-China
Taipei, Taiwan - It is the first one since 1949
After 54 years during which no flights had taken off or landed from China to Taiwan and vice-versa during the daytime of yesterday it has verified the first taking off since 1949 from Taiwan to China (news... more

PeopleAmerican carriers could refuse flying pets
Washington, Usa - Too demanding taking care of the animals
If the American government had to demand to the airlines to report the data on how many domestic animals die on their flights, it could also be reached to a suspension of the service. It's what is let... more

PeopleThe Us businessman George Soros can sell his quote in Hainan Air
Beijing, China - Positive answer of the Chinese Authority for free trade
With the positive decision of the Chinese authority for free market the Us businessman George Soros has had the permission to sell his quote of participation in Hainan Air that he held by 1995 through... more