Government acts
1,432 news found

Government actsPortugal amends the public service obligations imposed on certain scheduled air services
Rome, Italy - The communication publicated on the Official Journal of the European Union
Official Journal of the European Union C 64 of 12 March 2004, page 2. Communication from the Commission pursuant to Article 4(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 Amendment of public service... more

Government actsCompetition in the supply of air services from countries not members of the European Community (7)
Rome, Italy - The EU Council has adopted a common position
Statement of the Council's reasons I. Introduction 1. On 12 March 2002 the Commission adopted a proposal for a Regulation concerning protection against subsidisation and unfair pricing practices in the... more

Government actsCompetition in the supply of air services from countries not members of the European Community (6)
Rome, Italy - The EU Council has adopted a common position
Article 13 - Undertakings 1. Investigations may be terminated without the imposition of provisional or definitive measures upon receipt of satisfactory voluntary undertakings under which: (a) the government... more

Government actsCompetition in the supply of air services from countries not members of the European Community (5)
Rome, Italy - The EU Council has adopted a common position
Article 8 - The investigation 1. Following the initiation of the proceedings, the Commission shall commence an investigation which shall cover both subsidisation or unfair pricing practices of air services... more

Government actsCompetition in the supply of air services from countries not members of the European Community (3)
Rome, Italy - The EU Council has adopted a common position
Article 1 - Objective 1. This Regulation lays down the procedure to be followed to provide protection against subsidisation and unfair pricing practices in the supply of air services from countries not... more

Government actsCompetition in the supply of air services from countries not members of the European Community (4)
Rome, Italy - The EU Council has adopted a common position
2. When comparing airfares, account shall be taken of the following elements: (a) the actual price at which tickets are offered for sale; (b) the number of seats proposed at an allegedly unfair price... more

Government actsCompetition in the supply of air services from countries not members of the European Community (2)
Rome, Italy - The EU Council has adopted a common position
(12) It is essential to define the terms ‘Community air carrier’, ‘Community industry’, and ‘like air service’. (13) It is necessary to specify who may lodge a complaint and the information that such a... more

Government actsCompetition in the supply of air services from countries not members of the European Community
Rome, Italy - The EU Council has adopted a common position
Official Journal of the European Union C 66E of 16 March 2004, page 14-19. Common position (EC) No 11/2004 adopted by the Council on 18 December 2003 with a view to adopting Regulation (EC) No . . ./2004... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Schedules of airlines from third countries"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Alexandros Alavanos (European United Left)
Written question E-0623/04 by Alexandros Alavanos (GUE/NGL) to the European Commission (19 February 2004). Subject: Schedules of airlines from third countries. "Following the recent tragic crash of... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Aviation health warnings"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Richard Corbett (party of European Socialists)
Written question E-0469/04 by Richard Corbett (PSE) to the European Commission (06 February 2004). Subject: Aviation health warnings. "In view of the growing evidence of health risks involved with... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "USA's pressure on airlines to supply unlimited quantities of data concerning passengers"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Erik Meijer (European United Left)
Written question E-0541/04 by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the European Commission (13 February 2004). Subject: Yielding to the USA's pressure on airlines to supply unlimited quantities of data concerning... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Terrorism: drawing up a European directive providing for the presence of air marshals on board aircraft"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Mario Borghezio (non-attached)
Written question E-0611/04 by Mario Borghezio (NI) to the European Commission (19 February 2004). Subject: Terrorism: drawing up a European directive providing for the presence of air marshals on board... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Enlargement of an airport in the administrative and political capital of Spain"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Camilo Nogueira Román (group of the greens)
Written question E-0589/04 by Camilo Nogueira Román (Verts/ALE) to the European Commission (18 February 2004). Subject: Enlargement of an airport in the administrative and political capital of Spain:... more

Government actsAir transport between the Community and third countries (2)
Rome, Italy - Approved modifications
(6) By the same token, an equivalent amendment should also be made to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3976/87 of 14 December 1987 on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to certain categories of... more

Government actsAir transport between the Community and third countries
Rome, Italy - Approved modifications
Official Journal of the European Union L 68 of 6 March 2004, page 1. Council Regulation (EC) No 411/2004 of 26 February 2004 repealing Regulation (EEC) No 3975/87 and amending Regulations (EEC) No 3976/87... more

Government actsInsurance requirements for air carriers and aircraft operators (6)
Rome, Italy - The Council of the European Union has adopted a common position
Statement of the Council's reasons I. Introduction In the framework of the codecision procedure (Article 251 EC-Treaty), the Council reached on 9 October 2003 a political agreement on the draft Regulation... more

Government actsInsurance requirements for air carriers and aircraft operators (7)
Rome, Italy - The Council of the European Union has adopted a common position
9. In Article 6, the Council confirmed that in respect of passengers, the minimum insurance cover should be 250 000 SDRs per passenger. However, in order to take account of the particular situation of... more

Government actsInsurance requirements for air carriers and aircraft operators (5)
Rome, Italy - The Council of the European Union has adopted a common position
Article 7 - Insurance in respect of liability for third parties 1. In respect of liability for third parties, the minimum insurance cover per accident, for each and every aircraft, shall be: - table... more

Government actsInsurance requirements for air carriers and aircraft operators (4)
Rome, Italy - The Council of the European Union has adopted a common position
Article 4 - Principles of insurance 1. Air carriers and aircraft operators referred to in Article 2 shall be insured in accordance with this Regulation as regards their aviation-specific liability in... more

Government actsInsurance requirements for air carriers and aircraft operators
Rome, Italy - The Council of the European Union has adopted a common position
Official Journal of the European Union C 54 E of 2 March 2004, page 40-47. Common Position (EC) No 8/2004 adopted by the Council on 5 December 2003 with a view to adopting Regulation (EC) No . . ./2004... more

Government actsInsurance requirements for air carriers and aircraft operators (2)
Rome, Italy - The Council of the European Union has adopted a common position
(11) While the Montreal Convention specifically regulates liability in respect of passengers, baggage and cargo, the liability for mail is, according to Article 2 of that Convention, to be subject to ‘the r... more

Government actsInsurance requirements for air carriers and aircraft operators (3)
Rome, Italy - The Council of the European Union has adopted a common position
Article 1 - Objective 1. The objective of this Regulation is to establish minimum insurance requirements for air carriers and aircraft operators in respect of passengers, baggage, cargo and third parties. 2.... more

Government actsAir service agreements between member states and third countries (7)
Rome, Italy - The EU Council adopted a common position
Amendment 12 Accepted in principle. The moving of the text in the first part of the amendment to paragraph 2 is a drafting change followed in principle by the Council. The Council has also followed the... more

Government actsAir service agreements between member states and third countries (6)
Rome, Italy - The EU Council adopted a common position
The result of these changes is a comprehensive framework to covering all possible scenarios. Under the new Article 4, the Commission retains powers to block agreements where negotiations have not resulted... more

Government actsAir service agreements between member states and third countries (3)
Rome, Italy - The EU Council adopted a common position
Article 1 - Notification to the Commission 1. A Member State may, without prejudice to the respective competencies of the Community and its Member States, enter into negotiations with a third country... more

Government actsAir service agreements between member states and third countries (4)
Rome, Italy - The EU Council adopted a common position
Article 5 - Distribution of traffic rights Where a Member State concludes an agreement, or amendments to an agreement or its Annexes, that provide for limitations on the use of traffic rights or the... more

Government actsAir service agreements between member states and third countries (5)
Rome, Italy - The EU Council adopted a common position
Statement of the Council's reasons I. Introduction 1. On 26 February 2003 the Commission submitted a proposal for a Regulation on the negotiation and implementation of air service agreements between... more

Government actsAir service agreements between member states and third countries
Rome, Italy - The EU Council adopted a common position
Official Journal of the European Union C 54 E of 2 March 2004, page 33-9 Common position (EC) No 7/2004 adopted by the Council on 5 December 2003 with a view to adopting Regulation (EC) No . . ./2004... more

Government actsAir service agreements between member states and third countries (2)
Rome, Italy - The EU Council adopted a common position
(9) If a Member State wishes to involve air carriers in the process of negotiation, all air carriers with an establishment in the territory of the Member State concerned should be treated equally. (10)... more

Government actsContracts: "Medical transport services by helicopter in Marseilles (France)"
Rome, Italy - The notice publicated on the Official Journal of the European Union
Official Journal of the European Union S43 of 2 March 2004 France-Marseilles: medical transport services by helicopter Contract notice - Services I. 1) Official name and address of the contracting... more

Government actsContracts: "Parts for helicopters - Viterbo (Italy)"
Rome, Italy - The notice publicated on the Official Journal of the European Union
Official Journal of the European Union S40 of 26 February 2004 Italy-Viterbo: parts for helicopters Contract notice - Supplies I. 1) Official name and address of the contracting authority: IV Reggimento... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Olympic Airways" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer given by the EU transport Commissioner, Loyola de Palacio
Answer given by Mrs de Palacio on behalf of the European Commission (18 July 2003). "On 11 December 2002, the Commission indeed adopted a decision against Greece for State aid granted to Olympic Airways.... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Olympic Airways"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Dirk Sterckx (European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party)
Official Journal of the European Union C 51 E of 26 February, page 162. Written question P-1932/03 by Dirk Sterckx (ELDR) to the European Commission (5 June 2003) Subject: Olympic Airways. "Various... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Complaint concerning the extension of San Sebastián airport (reply from Spain)"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by María Sornosa Martínez and Bárbara Dührkop Dührkop (PSE)
Official Journal of the European Union C 51 E of 26 February, page 230. Written question E-2246/03 by María Sornosa Martínez (PSE) and Bárbara Dührkop Dührkop (PSE) to the European Commission (7 July... more

Government actsParliamentary questions: "Complaint concerning the extension of San Sebastián airport" (2)
Rome, Italy - The joint answer given by the EU Commissioner for the Environment, Margot Wallström
Joint answer to written questions E-2245/03 and E-2246/03 given by Mrs Wallström on behalf of the European Commission (14 August 2003). "As the Commission indicated in its answers to Written Questions... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Status of complaint concerning the environmental effects of the extension of San Sebastián airport"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by María Sornosa Martínez and Bárbara Dührkop Dührkop (PSE)
Official Journal of the European Union C 51 E of 26 February, page 229. Written question E-2245/03 by María Sornosa Martínez (PSE) and Bárbara Dührkop Dührkop (PSE) to the European Commission (7 July... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Deurne Airport (Belgium) and European environmental impact assessments" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer given by the EU Commissioner for the Environment, Margot Wallström
Answer given by Mrs Wallström on behalf of the European Commission (11 September 2003). "Council Directive 85/337/EEC of 27 June 1985 on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Deurne Airport (Belgium) and European environmental impact assessments"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Bart Staes (Group of the Greens)
Official Journal of the European Union C 51 E of 26 February, page 224. Written question E-2219/03 by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the European Commission (2 July 2003). Subject: Deurne Airport and European... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Air passenger health" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer given by the EU transport Commissioner, Loyola de Palacio
Answer given by Loyola de Palacio on behalf of the European Commission (10 July 2003). "The number of passengers killed in commercial flights operated by Community carriers are given below: - 1998:... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Air passenger health"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Christopher Huhne (European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party)
Official Journal of the European Union C 51E of 26 February 2004, page 142. Written question E-1802/03 by Christopher Huhne (ELDR) to the European Commission (28 May 2003). Subject: Air passenger health. "Will... more

Government actsToday in Parliament: to the Senate the Alitalia's privatization discussed
Rome, Italy - Starting from 3pm
Today at 3pm to the Lavori Pubblici Commission of the Senate will continue the examination of the Prime Minister's decree on the Alitalia's privatization. It will also be discussed about the plan of industrial... more

Government actsContracts: "Repair and maintenance services of helicopters - Viterbo (Italy)"
Rome, Italy - The notice publicated on the Official Journal of the European Union
Official Journal of the European Union S39 of 25 February 2004 Italy-Viterbo: repair and maintenance services of helicopters Contract notice - Services I. 1) Official name and address of the contracting... more

Government actsContracts: "Aircraft-engine maintenance services - Viterbo (Italy)"
Rome, Italy - The notice publicated on the Official Journal of the European Union
Official Journal of the European Union S39 of 25 February 2004 Italy-Viterbo: aircraft-engine maintenance services Contract notice - Services I. 1) Official name and address of the contracting authority:... more

Government actsContracts: "Safety equipment for the new airport of Bari (Italy)"
Rome, Italy - The notice publicated on the Official Journal of the European Union
Official Journal of the European Union S39 of 25 February 2004 Italy-Bari: safety equipment Contract notice - Utilities Supplies I. 1) Official name and address of the contracting entity: Seap SpA... more

Government actsContracts: "Aerial forest-firefighting services in Saragossa (Spain)"
Rome, Italy - The notice publicated on the Official Journal of the European Union
Official Journal of the European Union S38 of 24 February 2004. E-Saragossa: aerial forest-firefighting services. Contract notice - Services I. 1) Official name and address of the contracting authority:... more

Government actsContracts: "Hire of helicopter in Mende (France)"
Rome, Italy - The notice publicated on the Official Journal of the European Union
Official Journal of the European Union S34 of 18 February 2004. F-Mende: hire of helicopter. Contract notice - Services I. 1) Official name and address of the contracting authority: SDIS 48, Att:... more

Government actsContracts: "Construction work for an airport in Saint-Malo (France)"
Rome, Italy - The notice publicated on the Official Journal of the European Union
Official Journal of the European Union S38 of 24 February 2004. F-Saint-Malo: construction work for airports. Contract notice - Works I. 1) Official name and address of the contracting authority:... more

Government actsContracts: "Airport operation services in Cascais (Portugal)"
Rome, Italy - The notice publicated on the Official Journal of the European Union
Official Journal of the European Union S37 of 21 February 2004. P-Cascais: operation of public service supporting civil aviation. Contract notice - Services I. 1) Official name and address of the contracting... more

Government actsRegulation of the European Union on passengers' rights (3)
Rome, Italy - The text publicated on the Official Journal of the European Union
Have adopted this regulation: Article 1 - Subject 1. This Regulation establishes, under the conditions specified herein, minimum rights for passengers when: (a) they are denied boarding against their... more

Government actsRegulation of the European Union on passengers' rights (5)
Rome, Italy - The text publicated on the Official Journal of the European Union
Article 5 - Cancellation 1. In case of cancellation of a flight, the passengers concerned shall: (a) be offered assistance by the operating air carrier in accordance with Article 8; and (b) be offered... more