Government acts
1,418 news found
Government actsQuestion: "Attestation of professional competence for cabin crews in civil aviation" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer of the European Commissioner for Transport, Loyola De Palacio
Official Journal of the European Union C 92 E of 17th April 2003, page 188. Answer given by Mrs de Palacio on behalf of the European Commission (October 21, 2002). "The Commission did indeed present... more
Government actsQuestion: "Civil aviation services and meteorological services in the EU"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Stavros Xarchakos (European People's Party)
Official Journal of the European Union C 92 E of April 17, 2003, page 194. (2003/C 92 E/254) Written question E-2646/02 by Stavros Xarchakos (PPE-DE) to the European Commission (September 20, 2002). Subject:... more
Government actsQuestion: "Low cost airlines and consumer rights" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer given by the European Commissioner for Transport, Loyola De Palacio
Official Journal of the European Union C 92 E of 17th April 2003, page 194. Answer given by Mrs de Palacio on behalf of the European Commission (24 October 2002). "The Commission attaches great importance... more
Government actsQuestion: "Low-cost airlines and consumer rights"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Brian Simpson (European Socialists)
Official Journal of the European Union C 92 E of 17th April 2003, page 193. (2003/C 92 E/253). Written question E-2635/02 by Brian Simpson (PSE) to the European Commission (18 September 2002). Subject:... more
Government actsThe new European Aviation Safety Agency is recruiting an Executive Director
Rome, Italy - The vacancy notice is available on the Official Journal of the European Union of 7 May 2003
The European Commission launched a new procedure for the recruitment of an Executive Director for the European Aviation Safety Agency (Easa). It is doing so at the request of the Agency's Management... more
Government actsQuestion: "Air transport and the environment" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer given by the European Commissioner for Transport, Loyola de Palacio
Official Journal of the European Union C 110 E of May 8, 2003, page 84. (2003/C 110 E/086). Answer given by Mrs de Palacio on behalf of the European Commission (November 12 2002). "A number of initiatives... more
Government actsQuestion: "Air transport and the environment"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Caroline Lucas (Group of the Greens)
Official Journal of the European Union C 110 E of 8th May 2003, page 83. (2003/C 110 E/086). Written question E-2662/02 by Caroline Lucas (Verts/ALE) to the European Commission (23 September 2002). Subject:... more
Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers
Rome, Italy - The decisions taken by Spain
Official Journal of the European Union C 91 of 16th April 2003, page 15. Publication of decisions by Member States to grant or revoke operating licences pursuant to Article 13(4) of Regulation (EEC) No... more
Government actsFrance amends the public service obligations imposed on scheduled air services between Ajaccio, Bastia, Calvi and Figari, on the one hand, and Marseille and Nice
Rome, Italy - The decision publicated on the Official Journal of the European Union of April 29, 2003
Official Journal of the European Union C 102 of April 29, 2003, page 7. Amendment by France of public service obligations imposed on scheduled air services between Ajaccio, Bastia, Calvi and Figari, on... more
Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers (3)
Rome, Italy - The decisions taken by United Kingdom
Official Journal of the European Union C 91 of 16th April 2003, page 17. Publication of decisions by Member States to grant or revoke operating licences pursuant to Article 13(4) of Regulation (EEC) No... more
Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers (2)
Rome, Italy - The decisions taken by United Kingdom
Official Journal of the European Union C 91 of 16th April 2003, page 16. Publication of decisions by Member States to grant or revoke operating licences pursuant to Article 13(4) of Regulation (EEC) No... more
Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers
Rome, Italy - The decisions taken by United Kingdom
Official Journal of the European Union C 91 of 16th April 2003, page 16. Publication of decisions by Member States to grant or revoke operating licences pursuant to Article 13(4) of Regulation (EEC) No... more
Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers
Rome, Italy - The decisions taken by Denmark
Official Journal of the European Union C 91 of 16th April 2003, page 14. Publication of decisions by Member States to grant or revoke operating licences pursuant to Article 13(4) of Regulation (EEC) No... more
Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers (2)
Rome, Italy - The decisions taken by Denmark
Official Journal of the European Union C 91 of 16th April 2003, page 14. Publication of decisions by Member States to grant or revoke operating licences pursuant to Article 13(4) of Regulation (EEC) No... more
Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers (3)
Rome, Italy - The decisions taken by Greece
Official Journal of the European Union C 91 of 16th April 2003, p. 15. Publication of decisions by Member States to grant or revoke operating licences pursuant to Article 13(4) of Regulation (EEC) No... more
Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers (2)
Rome, Italy - The decisions taken by Germany
Official Journal of the European Union C 91 of 16th April 2003, p. 12. Publication of decisions by Member States to grant or revoke operating licences pursuant to Article 13(4) of Regulation (EEC) No... more
Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers
Rome, Italy - The decisions taken by Germany
Official Journal of the European Union C 91 of 16th April 2003, p. 12. Publication of decisions by Member States to grant or revoke operating licences pursuant to Article 13(4) of Regulation (EEC) No... more
Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers (4)
Rome, Italy - The decisions taken by Austria
Official Journal of the European Union C 91 of 16th April 2003, p. 12. Publication of decisions by Member States to grant or revoke operating licences pursuant to Article 13(4) of Regulation (EEC) No... more
Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers (3)
Rome, Italy - The decisions taken by Austria
Official Journal of the European Union C 91 of 16th April 2003, p. 13. Publication of decisions by Member States to grant or revoke operating licences pursuant to Article 13(4) of Regulation (EEC) No... more
Government actsQuestion: "Community criteria for the development of regional air transport" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer of the European transport commissioner, Loyola De Palacio
Answer given by Mrs de Palacio on behalf of the European Commission (6 February 2003). "Ever since the three Regulations comprising the third air transport liberalisation package (Regulations (EEC) No... more
Government actsQuestion: "Community criteria for the development of regional air transport"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Salvador Garriga Polledo (European People's Party)
Written question E-3875/02 by Salvador Garriga Polledo (PPE-DE) to the European Commission. Subject: Community criteria for the development of regional air transport. "At present, regional air transport,... more
Government actsQuestion: "Member States' policies on airport expansion"
Roma, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Nicholas Clegg (liberal-democrats)
Written question E-1232/03 by Nicholas Clegg (ELDR) to the European Commission (21 March 2003). Subject: Member States' policies on airport expansion. "Could the Commission provide a summary of the principal... more
Government actsNorway has decided to impose new public service obligations in respect of scheduled air services on the routes Lakselv–Tromsø viceversa, Andenes–Bodø viceversa and Andenes–Tromsø viceversa (2)
Rome, Italy - The communication issued on the Official Journal of the European Union of April 10 2003
Andenes–Bodø viceversa, Andenes–Tromsø viceversa 1. Introduction. Pursuant to Article 4(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 of July 23 1992 on access for Community air carriers to intra-Community air r... more
Government actsNorway has decided to impose new public service obligations in respect of scheduled air services on the routes Lakselv–Tromsø viceversa, Andenes–Bodø viceversa and Andenes–Tromsø viceversa
Rome, Italy - The communication issued on the Official Journal of the European Union of April 10 2003
Official Journal of the European Union C 87 of April 10 2003, page 87. European economic area. Efta Surveillance Authority. Communication from the Efta Surveillance Authority under Article 4(1)(a) of... more
Government actsThe European Commission initiates a procedure concerning a state aid to the French airline company Aom Air Lib (3)
Rome, Italy - An assessment
3. Assessment. The loan financed by France constitutes a State aid because it uses State funds, gives an advantage to certain air carriers, affects trade between Member States and is likely to affect... more
Government actsThe European Commission initiates a procedure concerning a state aid to the French airline company Aom Air Lib
Rome, Italy - The decision issued on the Official Journal of the European Union of April 11 2003
Official Journal of the European Union C 88 of April 11 2003, p. 2. State aid — France Aid C 3/03 (ex NN 42/02) — Aid to rescue and restructure the Air Lib company. Invitation to submit comments pur... more
Government actsThe German Government has decided to impose a public service obligation in respect of scheduled air services on the Erfurt–London (Stansted)
Rome, Italy - The decision issued on the Official Journal of the European Union of April 10, 2003
Official Journal of the European Union C 87 of April 10, 2003, p. 28. Imposition of a public service obligation in respect of scheduled air services pursuant to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92. 1.... more
Government actsThe European Commission initiates a procedure concerning a state aid to the French airline company Aom Air Lib (2)
Rome, Italy - A description
2. Description. Following the decision by their former shareholders Taitbout Antibes BV, belonging to the Marine-Wendel group, and particularly Swissair, to no longer continue their investment strategy,... more
Government actsQuestion: "Shifting traffic flows in air transport as a result of subsidised cooperation between regional airports and new entrants to the market"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Erik Meijer (European United Left)
Written question E-1183/03 by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the European Commission (March 20, 2003). Subject: Shifting traffic flows in air transport as a result of subsidised cooperation between regional... more
Government actsQuestion: "Travel discrimination against disabled people"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Claude Moraes (European Socialists)
Written question E-1075/03 by Claude Moraes (PSE) to the European Commission (18 March 2003). Subject: Travel discrimination against disabled people. "The current policy of Sncf (France) is to refuse... more
Government actsBrussels on 27-28 March 2003: Council of European Ministers of Transport meeting - Transport (5)
Rome, Italy - The "Galileo" programme
Galileo. - State of play on existing negotiations and contacts with third countries. - Agreement with China on the development of GNSS. "The Council was informed by Vice-President De Palacio on the... more
Government actsBrussels on 27-28 March 2003: Council of European Ministers of Transport meeting - Transport (4)
Rome, Italy - Safety of third countries aircraft using community airports
Safety of third countries aircraft using community airports. Public deliberation. "The Council reached a political agreement on the draft Directive on the safety of third countries aircraft using community... more
Government actsBrussels on 27-28 March 2003: Council of European Ministers of Transport meeting -Transport (3)
Rome, Italy - Unfair pricing practices
Unfair pricing practices. "The Council, on the basis of a report from the Presidency, held a policy debate on the proposal for a Regulation concerning protection against subsidisation and unfair pricing... more
Government actsBrussels on 27-28 March 2003: Council of European Ministers of Transport meeting - Transport (2)
Rome, Italy - External relations in the aviation sector
External relations in the aviation sector. "The Council took note of the presentations by Vice-President De Palacio of - the draft Council Decision authorising the Commission to open negotiations... more
Government actsBrussels on 27-28 March 2003: Council of European Ministers of Transport meeting - Transport
Rome, Italy -- Effects of the war in Iraq on the aviation sector
Brussels, March 27-28, 2003 2499th Council meeting - Transport, Telecommunications and Energy - Brussels, March 27-28 2003. Aviation - Effects of the war in Iraq on the aviation sector. "The Council... more
Government actsInitiative of Spain with a view to adopting a Directive on the obligation of carriers to communicate passenger data
Rome, Italy - The text issued on the Official Journal of the European Union
Official Journal of the European Union C 82 of April 5, 2003, p23. Initiative of the Kingdom of Spain with a view to adopting a Council Directive on the obligation of carriers to communicate passenger... more
Government actsThe European Court of Justice has given a judgment on access for Community air carriers to intra-Community air routes
Rome, Italy - The content of the decision
"Official Journal of the European Union C 83 of April 5, 2003, p3. Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of February 6, 2003 in Case C-92/01 (Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Monomeles Dioikitiko... more
Government actsThe European Commission lays down measures in the field of civil aviation
Roma, Italy - The text of the Regulation issued on the Official Journal of the European Union
Official Journal of the European Union L 89 of 5th April 2003, p. 9. European Commission Regulation (EC) No 622/2003 of 4 April 2003 laying down measures for the implementation of the common basic standards... more
Government actsQuestion: "Emissions from international air transport"
Roma, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Jorge Moreira Da Silva (european people's party)
Written question E-0932/03 by Jorge Moreira Da Silva (PPE-DE) to the European Commission (13 March 2003). Subject: Second phase of implementation of the Kyoto Protocol. "In view of the need to prepare... more
Government actsQuestion: "Funding for setting up a vintage vehicle museum"
Roma, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Roberta Angelilli (Union for Europe of the Nations)
Written question E-0938/03 by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the European Commission (14 March 2003). Subject: Funding for setting up a vintage vehicle museum. "A few months ago, the Rome-based cultural... more
Government actsQuestion: "War against Iraq: Aerial refuelling of B-52 bombers over European cities"
Roma, Italia - Presented to the European Parliament by Josu Ortuondo Larrea (group of the greens)
Oral question H-0218/03 for Question Time at the part-session in May 2003 (pursuant to Rule 43 of the Rules of Procedure) by Josu Ortuondo Larrea to the European Commission. Subject: War against Iraq:... more
Government actsQuestion: European Commission document 'Star 21'- 'Strategic Aerospace Review for the 21st Century'
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Jean Lambert (Group of the Greens)
Written question E-0877/03 by Jean Lambert (Verts/Ale) to the European Commission (March 12, 2003) Subject: European Commission document 'Star 21 - Strategic Aerospace Review for the 21st Century'. "The... more
Government actsQuestion: "Crash of third helicopter belonging to the National Emergency Aid Centre (Ekab) in Greece" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer of the European Commissioner for regional policy, Michel Barnier
The answer given by Mr Barnier on behalf of the European Commission (March 17 2003). "According to the information received from the Greek authorities, two of the three helicopters that have crashed over... more
Government actsQuestion: "Crash of third helicopter belonging to the National Emergency Aid Centre (Ekab) in Greece"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Stavros Xarchakos (European People's Party)
Written question P-0546/03 by Stavros Xarchakos (PPE-DE) to the European Commission (February 17 2003). Subject: Crash of third helicopter belonging to the National Emergency Aid Centre (Ekab) in Greece. "On... more
Government actsQuestion: "Personal data of European citizens"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Alexandros Alavanos (European United Left)
Written question E-0795/03 by Alexandros Alavanos (GUE/NGL) to the European Commission (March 5 2003). Subject: Personal data of European citizens. "A Greek university professor, Mr Evgenios Angelopoulos,... more
Government actsQuestion: "Abuse of a dominant position and misleading advertising by the airlines Spanair and Iberia (Spain)" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer given by Mr Byrne, European Commissioner for health and consumer protection
The answer given by Mr Byrne, European commissioner for health and consumer protection (March 14, 2003): "The Commission has become aware of a number of complaints from consumer organisations about... more
Government actsQuestion: "Abuse of a dominant position and misleading advertising by the airlines Spanair and Iberia (Spain)"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Laura Gonzalez Alvarez (European United Left)
Written question E-0267/03 by Laura Gonzalez Alvarez (GUE/NGL) to the European Commission. Subject: Abuse of a dominant position and misleading advertising by the airlines Spanair and Iberia (Spain).... more
Government actsQuestion: "Exchanges of personal data between airlines and the Cia"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Bart Staes (Group of the Greens)
Written question P-0871/03 by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the European Commission (11 March 2003). Subject: Exchanges of personal data between airlines and the Cia. "In early March a number of reports... more
Government actsQuestion: "Unlawful detention of Greek national at Amsterdam airport"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Alexandros Alavanos (European United Left)
Oral question H-0136/03 for Question Time at the part-session in April 2003 pursuant to Rule 43 of the Rules of Procedure by Alexandros Alavanos to the Council of the European Union. Subject: Unlawful... more
Government actsSystem of aid to the spanish airline company Intermediación Aerea SL
Roma, Italy - The European Commission invites Spain to submit comments pursuant to article 88(2) of the EC Treaty
System of aid to the airline company Intermediación Aérea SL Invitation to submit comments pursuant to Article 88(2) of the EC Treaty (2003/C 32/02) (Text with EEA relevance) By means of the letter d... more