Government acts
1,425 news found

Government actsQuestion time: Vitrociset employees' hardships
Rome, Italy - By On. Cosimo Giuseppe Sgobio (Misto-Comunisti Italiani)
Italian Deputy On. Sgobio asked Italian Welfare Minister and Minister for Productive Activities for making clear which kind of steps Italian Government intends to perform in order to protect the Vitrociset’s e... more

Government actsQuestion Time: delays for Alpi Eagles' flights
Rome, Italy - By On. Giuseppe Gianni (UDC)
Italian Deputy On. Gianni asked Italian Minister for Infrastructures and Transport for explaining which kind of measures Italian Government intends to perform in order to solve the problem concerning the... more

Government actsQuestion Time: possible transition of US soldiers at Rimini Airport for operations in Iraq
Rome, Italy - By On. Mauro Bulgarelli (Misto-Verdi-Unione)
Italian Deputy On. Bulgarelli asked Italian Prime Minister and various ministers for making clearer the role played by Rimini Airport in favouring the transition of US soldiers expected to reach Iraq for... more

Government actsQuestion time: lack of airport taxes payment by some carriers among which Air One
Rome, Italy - By On. Valter Zanetta (FI)
Italian Deputy On. Valter Zanetta asked Italian Minister for Infrastructures and Transport for making clear which kind of steps Italian Government intends to perform in order to solve the problem regarding... more

Government actsQuestion time: ground personnel's strike at Milan's airports
Rome, Italy - By On. Ettore Rosato (Margherita)
Italian Deputy On. Rosato asked Italian Minister for Infrastructures and Transport for making clear the Italian Government’s view about the condition affecting the ground personnel and, most of all, h... more

Government actsQuestion time on the custody of a Swiss TV crew at Ghedi Torre base
Rome, Italy - By On. Mauro Bulgarelli (Mixed-Greens- The Union Parties)
Italian Deputy On. Bulgarelli asked Italian Minister of Defence to make clear the reason which brought to stop a Swiss Tv crew which was shooting outside the perimeter of Ghedi Torre (Brescia, Lombardy)... more

Government actsQuestion time on the statement of Italian body guard kidnapped and freed in Iraq
Rome, Italy - By On. Sandro Delmastro Delle Vedove (AN Party)
Italian Deputy On. Delmastro Delle Vedove asked to Italian Minister of Defence for making clear about the declarations of Umberto Cupertino, the private body guard kidnapped and then freed in Iraq. According... more

Government actsQuestion time about the recourse to napalm during the Falluja battle
Rome, Italy - By On. Sandro Delmastro Delle Vedove (AN Party)
Italian Deputy On. Delmastro Delle Vedove asked to Italian Defence Minister for providing explanations about the employment of napalm during the siege of Baghdad as well as the battle of Falluja. International... more

Government actsQuestion time on the presence of nuclear warheads in Italy
Rome, Italy - By Senator Luigi Malabarba (Mixed-Other members of the group Party) and other senators
Italian Senator Malabarba asked Italian Minister of Defence for making clear the hypothesis about the existance of 480 nuclear weapons in Europe. Some six countries in the continent would have signed secret... more

Government actsQuestion time about Alitalia meal supply
Rome, Italy - By On. Sandro Delmastro Delle Vedove (AN Party)
Italian Deputy On. Delmastro Delle Vedove asked Italian Minister of Transport for providing explanations about Alitalia meal supply. Italian Government is expected to answer if the board food supply is... more

Government actsQuestion time about the occupational crisis at Venice Airport
Rome, Italy - By senator Mauro Fabris (Mixed- Popolari- Udeur Party)
Italian Senator Fabris asked to Italian Minister of Transport for making clear the delicate occupational situation at Venice "Marco Polo" International Airport. Minister is expected to answer how he values... more

Government actsQuestion time: report on the ENAV re organization and transformation process
Rome, Italy - By On. Sandro Delmastro delle Vedove (AN)
Italian Deputy On. Delmastro delle Vedove asked Italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transport why he did not released in front of Parliament in due time the annual report about the ENAV (Italian National... more

Government actsQuestion time: the presence of nuclear weapons in Europe
Rome, Italy - By On. Luana Zanella (Mixed- Greens- The Union Party)
Italian deputy On. Zanella asked Italian Minister of Defence for making clear the hypothesis about the existance of 480 nuclear weapons in Europe. Some six countries in the continent would have signed... more

Government actsQuestion time: supposed deficiency for the Italian contingent's means in Iraq
Rome, Italy - By On. Delmastro delle Vedove (AN)
Italian Deputy On. Delmastro delle Vedove asked Italian Minister of Defence for providing explanations about the recent statements released on Italian "La Repubblica" newspaper about supposed deficiencies... more

Government actsInterrogation about the the construction of a super refinery in Iraq
Rome, Italy - By senator Luigi Malabarba (Mixed-Other members of the group Party)
Italian Senator Malabarba asked to Minister for Foreign Affairs for making clearer if Italian Government knew that multinationals could sign agreements to build an oil refinery in Iraq. He intended to... more

Government actsQuestion time: North Korea's nuclear weapons
Rome, Italy - By On. Delmastro delle Vedove (AN)
Italian Deputy On. Delmastro delle Vedove asked Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs for making clear the effects of the official announcement by North Korea that it owns nuclear weapons. Deputy fears... more

Government actsQuestion time: on meals offered by Alitalia aboard its planes
Rome, Italy - By On. Francesco Paolo Lucchese (UDC)
Italian Deputy On. Lucchese asked Italian Minister of Economy and Minister of Transport for unveiling if Alitalia resorts to private suppliers of meals for its flights or not. Alitalia is still under public... more

Government actsQuestion time: measures in favour of air transport in Sicily
Rome, Italy - By On. Francesco Paolo Lucchese (UDC)
Italian Deputy On. Lucchese asked Italian Minister for Infrastructures and Transport for describing which kind of measures Italian Government intends to resort to in favour of Siciliy’s air transport. L... more

Government actsQuestion time: on the Finmeccanica's role following the agreement with Alcatel in the space sector
Rome, Italy - By. On. Gianfranco Morgando (Margherita)
Italian Deputy On. Morgando asked Italian Premier for making clear the role played by Finmeccanica in the alliance founded together with Alcatel in the space sector. It is being feared that the manufacturing... more

Government actsInterpellation: possible training of Iraqi special forces to hit the Sunnah's rebels
Rome, Italy - By On. Pietro Folena (DS, L'Ulivo) and other Deputies
Italian Deputy On. Folena asked Italian Prime Minister to make clear the matter concerning the possibile sending from the United States of special forces to train Iraqi personnel in order to hit the Sunnah’s r... more

Government actsQuestion time: explanations on the tender for the Crotone-Rome route
Rome, Italy - By On. Dorina Bianchi (Misto)
Italian Deputy On. Bianchi asked Italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transport about the necessity of starting another tender in order to assign the Crotone-Rome route to another carrier as Alitalia... more

Government actsQuestion time: on supposed bonus for Alitalia's pilots attending to trade unions activities
Rome, Italy - By On. Sandro Delmastro delle Vedove (AN)
Italian Deputy On. Delmastro delle Vedove asked Italian Minister of Transport to make clear the situation regarding the supposed bonus provided to pilots operating within the trade unions which took part... more

Government actsInterpellation: supposed deployment of napalm by the US troops in Iraq
Rome, Italy - By On. Alfiero Grandi (DS, l'Ulivo) and other Deputies
Italian Deputy On. Grandi asked Italian Minister of Defence to make clear about the supposed deployment of napalm by the US troops in Iraq as denounced by some international organizations such as the Red... more

Government actsQuestion time: on the divestiture of surplus properties of the Italian armed forces
Rome, Italy - By On. Delmastro delle Vedove (AN)
Italian Deputy On. Delmastro delle Vedove asked Italian Minister of Defence about the possible effects produced by the end of the compulsory military service in Italy regarding the properties of the armed... more

Government actsInterrogation on the Italian journalist, Giuliana Sgrena, kidnapped in Iraq
Rome, Italy - By senator Luigi Malabarba (Mixed group)
The Italian Senator Luigi Malabarba asked to Minister for Foreign Affairs why the SISMI, national intelligence service, assigned the kidnapping of Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena, to common criminals.... more

Government actsQuestion time: on the supposed differentiation of remuneration for Alitalia's pilots
Rome, Italy - By On. Francesco Paolo Lucchese (UDC)
Italian Deputy On. Lucchese asked Italian Minister of Economy and Minister of Transport to make clear if differentiated remuneration treatments exist among the pilots working in Alitalia, most of all with... more

Government actsQuestion time: on compensation for the family of an Italian soldier deceased due to cancer following missions abroad
Rome, Italy - By On. Francesco Onnis (AN)
Italian Deputy On. Onnis asked Italian Minister of Defence to make clear which kind of measures Italian Government intends to resort to in order to defend the rights of the family of an Italian Army’s s... more

Government actsQuestion time: supposed possibility of a nuclear war in Europe
Rome, Italy - By On. Sandro Delmastro delle Vedove (AN)
Italian Deputy On. Delmastro delle Vedove asked Italian Minister of Defence if news concerning the supposed possibility of a nuclear war in Europe with reference to the so called Store AX secret agreement... more

Government actsInterrogation on the attack to an Italian convoy occurred in Darfur
Rome, Italy - By on. Luana Zanella (Misto-Verdi-Ulivo Party)
Italian Deputy On. Luana Zanella intended to ask Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs for some explanations about the attack against an Italian convoy which was carrying humanitarian aid to a zone controlled... more

Government actsInterrogation about the reconversion of Sigonella military base into a civil airport
Rome, Italy - By on. Deiana Elettra (RC Party)
Italian Deputy On. Deiana Elettra intended to ask Italian Minister of Defence and Minister of Transport for making clear about the airport of Sigonella (Sicily, Italy) which is a Nato base where logistic... more

Government actsInterrogation about Mangusta helicopter fleet
Rome, Italy - By on. Deiana Elettra (RC Party)
Italian Deputy on. Deiana Elettra asked Minister of Defence for making clear about the effective condition of Mangusta helicopter fleet from the update and maintenance viewpoint following the debates opened... more

Government actsInterrogation about the US redeployment of troops in Europe
Rome, Italy - By on. Deiana Elettra (RC Party) and on. Silvana Pisa (Ds-Ulivo Party)
Italian Deputies On. Deiana Elettra and on. Silvana Pisa decided to ask Italian PM and Minister of Defence for taking delivery of some more information regarding the decision of Pentagon to set up new... more

Government actsQuestion time: about the airport operator's role for the notification of problems to ENAC
Rome, Italy - By On. Tidei (DS, Ulivo)
Italian Deputy On. Tidei addressed a question time to Italian Minister for Transport and Infrastructures in order to understand if Italian Government intends to put the current ruling on airports under... more

Government actsQuestion time: former USAF's Italian "San Vito dei Normanni" Base regarding the role for humanitarian purposes
Rome, Italy - On. Rosa Stanisci (DS, Ulivo)
Italian Senator On. Stanisci decided to deepen her information about the role played during this period by former USAF’s Italian "San Vito dei Normanni" Base regarding humanitarian purposes. On. Stanisci i... more

Government actsQuestion time: difficult condition for workers in services activities related to Volare
Rome, Italy - By On. Carboni (DS, Ulivo)
Italian Deputy On. Carboni addressed such question time to Italian Minister of Welfare in order to better understand which kind of measures Italian Government intends to resort to in order to face the... more

Government actsQuestion time: Alitalia Skymaster flight school courses and the difficult situation of pilots
Rome, Italy - By On. Gasperoni (DS, Ulivo)
Italian Deputy On. Gasperoni intended to ask Italian Minister for Transport and Infrastructures if steps are being considered by Italian Government about the difficult situation of Italian pilots with... more

Government actsInterpellation: explosive material production in Foligno among a former military unit
Rome, Italy - By On. Sereni (DS, Ulivo)
Italian Deputy On. Sereni decided to ask Italian Minister for Environment and Territorial Protection and Minister of Defence for taking delivery of some more information regarding the possible production... more

Government actsInterrogation on the supposed selling of Italian arms to Iraq
Rome, Italy - By Senator Francesco Martone (Verdi-Ulivo party)
Italian Senator Francesco Martone intended to ask Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defence for making clearer the Italian job orders of military company for reconstruction of Iraqi... more

Government actsInterrogation: necessity for an intervention in defence of Iraqi artistic heritage
Rome, Italy - By On. Delmastro delle Vedove (AN Party)
Italian Deputy On. Delmastro delle Vedove intended to ask Italian Minister for Cultural Goods and Activities for making clearer about the archeological situation in Iraq, due to the presence of military... more

Government actsInterrogation on promotion of military job opportunities in Italian schools
Rome, Italy - By On. Deiana (Rifondazione Comunista Party)
Italian Deputy On. Dejana decided to ask Italian Minister for Education, University and Research and Minister of Defence for taking delivery of some information about the promotion of military job opportunities... more

Government actsInterpellation against the "substantial militarization" of Italian Firemen
Rome, Italy - By On. Cento (Misto-Verdi-l'Ulivo)
Italian Deputy On. Cento intended to ask Italian Minister of Interior for some explanations about the progressive "militarization" of Italian Firemen. These are seen as too often involved by law enforcement... more

Government actsInterpellation: environmental effects due to works at US Navy Base located in Italian La Maddalena island
Rome, Italy - By On. Deiana (Rifondazione Comunista Party)
On. Deiana decided to ask Italian Minister of Defence to provide information for the building activities at La Maddalena island (Italy) where Americans would have started working at a US Navy structure.... more

Government actsInterpellation: Italian contingent's role in Iraq and seriousness of the related political decisions by Italian Government
Rome, Italy - By On. Minniti (DS, Ulivo) and other Deputies
Many Italian Deputies decided to ask Italian Minister of Defence by an interpellation for making clear about the role played by Italian contingent in the Iraqi territory. The military intervention would... more

Government actsQuestion time: remuneration destined to Italian former prisoners in the USA
Rome, Italy - By On. Gianni (Rifondazione Comunista Party)
Several Italian Deputies decided to resort to a question time addressed to Italian Minister of Defence Martino and Minister of Economy Siniscalco regarding the remuneration of former Italian prisoners... more

Government actsQuestion Time: Possible damages for the Iraqi archeological heritage due to the presence of American soldiers
Rome, Italy - By On. Deiana (Rifondazione Comunista Party)
According to On. Deiana, a Deputy of Italian Chamber of Deputies, international experts would have denunciated that the presence of US and Polish contingents would have damaged the Iraqi archeological... more

Government actsQuestion time: Hypothesis of nuclear weapons deployment in Italy after September 11 (2)
Rome, Italy - By On. Pietro Folena (DS-Ulivo)
Also On. Folena decided to verify what happened after September 11 when a secret plan would have been carried out among the United States and other countries (as indicated on ’La Repubblica’ newspaper) in... more

Government actsUrgent interpellation: Hypothesis of nuclear weapons deployment in Italy after September 11
Rome, Italy - By On. Deiana and Giordano (Rifondazione Comunista Party)
Italian newspaper "La Stampa", underlined On. Deiana in front of Italian Chamber of Deputies, release an article indicating a secret plan in the United States called Stone Ax, concerning of secret agreements... more

Government actsA parliamentary question asks for explanations about the episode related to Volare Group: for example about how it was named the carrier's Commissioner and wether there are relations between Volare and Aeropuertos Argentinos
Rome, Italy - It was presented by the Honourable Ministers Tidei and Duca (DS)
Recently a parliamentary question has been addressed to both Italian Ministries for Infrastructures and for Transport in order to receive explanations about the episode related to Volare Group. In particular... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question: Alitalia and other companies fined by United States for relations with Cuba
Rome, Italy - By On. Galante (Comunisti Italiani)
Such Parliamentary question was addressed to Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fini, by On. Galante. The United States would have fined some Italian companies such as Alitalia, Ex-Comit, Industria composizioni... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question: Pentagon is deploying the AC-130 bombers on Falluja
Rome, Italy - By On. Deiana (Rifondazione Comunista)
A question put forward by On. Deiana and addressed to Italian Minister of Defence, Martino, would refer to the US deployment of the AC-130 Spectre on Falluja. On. Deiana asked Minister for making clear... more