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Government acts

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Government actsParliamentary question: "Difference between national and European aviation policies in connection with the establishment of open skies and the supplanting of established airlines by newcomers" (2)

Rome, Italy - The answer given by the EU Transport Commissioner, Loyola de Palacio

Answer given by Loyola de Palacio on behalf of the European Commission. "1. The judgements of the Court of Justice in the so-called open skies cases concerned specifically eight Member States. However,... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Difference between national and European aviation policies in connection with the establishment of open skies and the supplanting of established airlines by newcomers"

Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL)

Written question E-3510/02 by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the European Commission. Subject: Difference between national and European aviation policies in connection with the establishment of open skies and... more